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There were four guys who were instrumental in the creation of OnTheDash, back in February 2003, and they deserve special thanks. So we'll start the "Thanks" with Hans Schrag, Derek Ziglar, Chuck Maddox and Bruce Mackie:
  • Hans Schrag began in the Heuer service department in 1963, later was head of its service business (Pro Time Service), and served as Technical Director of TAG Heuer USA from 1995 through 1998. Hans is a master watchmaker, an incredible source of information about Heuer timepieces and a true gentleman. He is also an avid skier, accomplished photographer (analog and digital), aspiring golfer, occasional blues guitarist and lover of fine wines . . . in short, a "Renaissance Man". Thanks for enduring my phone calls and e-mails over the last five years, freely sharing your vast knowledge, reviewing portions of this website (with a precision that only a watchmaker can deliver) and hosting us for a visit to Vermont. Many of us also thank you for the magnificent work that you do on our chronographs. Thanks as well to Therese.
  • I first heard of Derek Ziglar in September 2002, and found it hard to believe that one person living right here in Atlanta, Georgia was not only a brilliant web designer (with special skills in the area of automated image display), but also was a "watch guy", having created, the largest non-commercial resource on the Internet covering Omegas. A few days later, we were off and running. Despite my initial declaration that I was unwilling to learn HTML, FTP or any other language or application, Derek made it a pleasure to move into these realms, with an uncanny ability to teach at just the right pace. Derek passed away in May 2005, and since that time several of us have committed to continuing Chronocentric, as a tribute. Thanks to Derek for the fantastic design and implementation, for my personal introduction to web design and for the technical wizardry in implementing several revisions of OnTheDash. We miss you, but gain some comfort in continuing your work.
  • Special thanks also go to Chuck Maddox. Chuck co-authored a magnificent article Heuer Carrera Chronographs: A Brief Overview: Then, Now and the Future with Matthias Liebe-Kleymann, during the summer of 2002. This is by far the finest Heuer-related piece that I have read (on the web or on paper). This article prompted me to contact Chuck; Chuck liked the idea of a Heuer site and introduced me to Derek; and soon we were off and running with OnTheDash. Since then, Chuck has reviewed the site, made some excellent recommendations, picked out some bugs (even quashed a few) and continued to inspire the effort. Chuck is also preparing some material to be hosted here on this site. Visit Chuck's page of watch articles for an amazing collection of articles and information, including lots of Heuer-related items.
  • Bruce Mackie is a still-life photographer living in London, who has contributed to OnTheDash in several unique ways. First, Bruce collects the "automatics" and has contributed many of the beautiful photographs included in the Chronograph section of OnTheDash. Second, Bruce has amassed an incredible collection of Heuer catalogs and brochures, and has made scans available to OnTheDash. Perhaps most significantly, Bruce has prepared tables that describe the Heuer chronographs from the early 1970's through the mid-1980's. These unique tables provide an invaluable reference for the collector and also serve as an outline through which we will organize the Chronograph section of OnTheDash. We will be incorporating these tables as we "build out" the Chronograph section and Bruce's work in constructing these tables has made this a much easier task. Bruce is an authority on the automatic chronographs and has always been willing to share information; we are delighted to "publish" a small portion of his incredible work.

And most of all, THANKS to all the guys who have made collecting these Heuers so much fun over the past few years. No names here, because you all know who you are. Whether swapping information and catalogs, sending scans, photos and ebay links, chasing the white-dialed Master Time or 24-hour Super Autavia half-way around the globe, selling me a "spare", buying one of my "extras", sharing the story of an amazing "find", delivering DM, pounds sterling or Euro on a minute's notice, placing a late night bid, providing valuation advice, or convincing each other that we have not lost our minds in this passion for Heuers . . . you guys are all great.

OnTheDash name, website and contents (c) Copyright 2002-2016, Jeffrey M. Stein, Atlanta, Georgia. All rights reserved.
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