OnTheDash - The definitive guide to Heuer

The definitive online guide to Heuer chronographs and dashboard timepieces
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 Racers Only [draft--for placement only]

Once upon a time, racers wore chronographs. In this era, the racers wore chronographs -- not because they were under contract with a watch manufacturer or were serving as "ambassadors" -- but because they enjoyed wearing them. Chronographs were part of their "uniform", part of their equipment, part of their mystique, part of the romance of men and their machines. The racers compared their chronographs, competing for the "cool factor" or showing off a newly acquired model.

More than any other brand, the chronographs that the racers wanted in the 1960s and 1970s were the Heuers. Talk to racers from this era, and they will tell you that having a Heuer chronograph was the "in thing". There were less expensive watches, but they weren't as good as the Heuers. And there were the higher-priced, more elegant watches -- sometimes given as prizes or promotions -- but these were not the watches that the racers were wearing for their work. The racers identified with the Heuers; these were the real racers' watches of the 1960s and 1970s.

In creating a section of OnTheDash about the racers and their chronographs, one thing quickly became clear: some racers wore a watch at all times; other racers didn't wear watches at all.

Ground rules of this webpage -- we post photos of drivers and their watches, if the watch can be identified. While most of the watches shown are Heuers, we post photos regardless of the brand.

All photos are used with permission of the owners of the photos; many of the photos are available for purchase through the agency credited for the photo.

[to be completed]

Jo Siffert

Text to be added


Steve McQueen

Text to be added.

Jochen Rindt

Text to be added

Mario Andretti

Text to be added. Click here to see additional photographs of Mario Andretti and his watches..

Clay Regazzoni

Text to be added.

Gilles Villeneuve

Text and link to be added.

Jim Clark

Text and link to be added.

Dan Gurney

Text to be added. Click here to see additional photographs of Dan Gurney.

Bruce McLaren

Text to be added

Phil Hill

Text to be added. Click here to see additional photographs of Phil Hill.

Tony Adamowicz

Text to be added

OnTheDash name, website and contents (c) Copyright 2002-2016, Jeffrey M. Stein, Atlanta, Georgia. All rights reserved.

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